Level 3 First Aid At Work
From £83 pp (when booked for a course of 12)
This is our most in depth and comprehensive course over 3 days, however due to the dynamic and demanding world in business we are happy to work together to arrange this over a period of time the suits you and your business.
This course covers everything you need to know to ensure your staff and customers stay safe in the workplace, and covers most serious illness and medical emergencies.
We also offer First Aid At Work Recertification if you are still within your 3 year period from you last course, or upto 28 days after.
This qualification lasts 3 years.
Adult resuscitation (CPR)
Allergic reaction
Bone, muscle and joint injuries
Burns and scalds
Chest pains
Choking adult
Communication and casualty care
Eye injuries
Head injuries
Health and safety regulations
Defibrillator prompts and how to respond (theory based)
Defibrillator pad placement (theory based)
Low blood sugar
Managing an emergency
Minor and severe bleeding
Role of the first aider
Spinal injuries
Unresponsive adult
3 Days
(6 Hours Each)